Dear Customers,


We want to alert you to the dangers of fraudulent websites that can compromise your online security and financial well-being. These sites, mimicking all the codes of a secure site, illegally collect your personal data or banking information.

Here are some tips that will help you spot these fraudulent sites:

  • Always check the website address in the navigation bar where you are redirected to avoid phishing attempts.
  • Be wary of overly enticing offers. Extremely low prices can be an indicator of counterfeiting or fraud.
  • Legitimate sites usually provide clear information and details about the company, such as its physical address, phone number, and email address. The absence of this information may indicate a scam.
  • Be skeptical of excessively positive reviews or generic comments on the site. Fraudulent platforms may post fake reviews to conceal their malicious intentions.
  • Be cautious if a site asks you for sensitive information such as your social security number or banking details.

As an informed consumer, we encourage you to remain vigilant during your online purchases. If something seems suspicious, trust your instincts and avoid sharing personal information or making a payment.

We are committed to ensuring your safety and satisfaction as a customer. If you encounter a fraudulent site claiming to represent our company, please inform us immediately so that we can take necessary measures to protect our customers and our reputation.


Your security is our top priority.